Ariadne Review

I was provided Ariadne by Jennifer Saint an ARC through NetGalley in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own and thanks is extended to the author, publishers and NetGalley for allowing me to do so.

As Princesses of Crete and daughters of the fearsome King Minos, Ariadne and her sister Phaedra grow up hearing the hoofbeats and bellows of the Minotaur echo from the Labyrinth beneath the palace. The Minotaur – Minos’s greatest shame and Ariadne’s brother – demands blood every year.

When Theseus, Prince of Athens, arrives in Crete as a sacrifice to the beast, Ariadne falls in love with him. But helping Theseus kill the monster means betraying her family and country, and Ariadne knows only too well that in a world ruled by mercurial gods – drawing their attention can cost you everything.

In a world where women are nothing more than the pawns of powerful men, will Ariadne’s decision to betray Crete for Theseus ensure her happy ending? Or will she find herself sacrificed for her lover’s ambition?

I don’t even know where to begin with Ariadne!!! The narrative drew me in instantly and I felt an intensely deep response to it as if it was nestled inside my heart and I couldn’t let it go. I did not want it to end but I also couldn’t stop myself from reading on in a world where horror and terror reside in equal measure with beauty and wonder.

The narrative was beautifully written and the descriptions in the book were almost cinematic quality I was able to immerse myself into it so completely it was almost as if I was watching it on a big screen and that is something I have rarely experienced before.

I adored it and it is on my list of top 2021 reads. 5 stars just isn’t enough.