Under Another Sun Review

A crack in time saves 99

But what do those ominous words mean?

Ray is about to find out, whether he’s ready or not. His ‘deceased’ twin sister, Ravynn, is warning him of impending disaster, but Ray can’t seem to convince himself, or his wife, that he’s not crazy.

But Ray isn’t the only one communicating with his sister. Ravynn’s surviving daughter, Amelia, seems to know things that defy reason, in a time when reason is slowly slipping away.

When Ray’s brother-in-law offers evidence of something terrible coming in the form of prophetic journals Ravynn wrote before her death, Ray can’t doubt the truth any longer. The world is falling down.

The family struggles to hold themselves together as the world they once knew and understood begins to collapse all around them, leading up to a cataclysmic end.

Can Ray save his family in time?

This is a multi-faceted dark and gothic novel that strips down and bares the layers of the human condition and examines human’s ability to decipher logic behind trauma. Ravynn is such a dynamic character and I particularly enjoyed the incorporation of her journal that not only allowed her story to be heard and a sense of foretelling but also allowed her to be ever present.

I also loved the two-timeline element of the story as well. There are so many layers and elements intertwined within the story that I simply could not put it down and I don’t want to give away any of the plot as I want readers to experience in the same vein that I did and so all I will say is I highly recommend it.  I wish I could give it a higher score than 5 stars.