Fae Away Review

This is an amazing read and I couldn’t put it down so I devoured it in just over a day.




Celyse is a princess of Faevenly, born into the most powerful house in the faerie realm. Yet even they must abide by the highest law in the land—the law that prohibits tampering with the portals to the forbidden human realm.

Bored with duty and longing for adventure, Celyse dreams of life in the mysterious realm. And when she happens upon a lost portal that promises a private viewing, she seizes the opportunity and finds herself face to face with a gorgeous human. Mesmerized by him in every way, she sneaks away to visit him nightly, forming a relationship with her would-be enemy. But when her official courting season approaches, she is forced to leave her idle fancy behind.

Until her life is threatened by a suitor who accuses her of misdeeds with the portals.

Julio is a normal guy . . . who can see ghosts. With apparitions flitting in and out of his life, he thinks seeing an ethereal girl with silver hair is another part of the supernatural weirdness that just happens to him. But when the very real girl shows up in his room, the pull he feels toward her is undeniable. She claims that her faerie realm and his human realm are in danger, and he can help her.

Julio’s head blares a warning against this deadly path, but his heart urges him to do anything to save her. Including risk his own life.

I loved the character development and the amazing history of the world they are inserted, as well as the mystery and forbidden love itself. I loved every second with it and just could not put the book down. Can´t wait to read the second one and see what happens to my beloved Celyse, who I strongly identified with.

This is an amazing story with twists and turns, action, and romance. The story kept me on my toes. I recommend this story highly, it’s a must read. Well done Rose Garcia.

Wendy Darling Review

Holy Hell where do I start with this book. I think in fairness I have to tell you that I adore everything to do with peter pan, the books, the Disney, the merch, the movies EVERYTHING. So, it doesn’t take a lot for me to gravitate towards peter pan items but it has a high expectation to live up to and oh boy it didn’t just live up to it – it exceeded it.

For those that lived there, Neverland was a children’s paradise. No rules, no adults, only endless adventure and enchanted forests – all led by the charismatic boy who would never grow old.

But Wendy Darling grew up. She left Neverland and became a woman, a mother, a patient, and a survivor. Because Neverland isn’t as perfect as she remembers. There’s darkness at the heart of the island, and now Peter Pan has returned to claim a new Wendy for his lost boys…

Wendy, Darling takes us to a Neverland that has become coated in dread and unveils the darkness at the heart of Peter Pan. It’s the horror-tinged feminist Peter Pan retelling I never knew I needed. A.C. Wise has taken a story where the women have remained in the background and brought them to the forefront, weaving the perspectives of Wendy, her daughter, and Tiger Lily in a brilliant re-imagining of a classic boy’s club story.

This is up there with my favourite dark retellings and I would liken it to Disney’s retelling of The Wizard of Oz, Return to Oz and believe me when I say that it is an amazing thing. It is dark, mysterious, magical and the perfect fairy tale for adults.

There are some very dark moments and I don’t want to spoil it for all of you so I will only bring up one. In the opening scene of the book Peter is scolding Wendy for becoming a grown up before absconding with jane who he then keeps referring to Wendy – miles away from the loveable and energetic boy figure from my youth but amazing all the same.

I was expecting Pan like this

but in this book he is definately more like this

This book literally gave me goosebumps and the hair stood up on my neck with both delight and also the feeling that something just isn’t right with Pan the man. I really empathised with Wendy and spent a lot of the book wanting to hug her and tell her everything would be alright, even though I wasn’t entirely sure it would be.

It will be no shock to know that I couldn’t put this down and I actually finished it really quickly I intend to read this many more times and I will probably end up annotating this book. Deliciously creepy and highly recommended. If I could give it more than 5 stars I would but this is a very high 5 star read for me.