Stolen Truth Review

Bree Michaelson wakes up one day feeling drugged and confused, to find her boyfriend, Todd Armstrong, and her infant son, Noah, missing. But why does no one believe her? Lacking witnesses to her pregnancy, a birth certificate to prove a child was born, or a marriage license to prove her invisible husband ever existed, Bree will find it impossible to get the help she so desperately needs to find her baby.

Nevertheless, despite suspicious friends, family, and authorities, Bree sets out to find Todd and Noah. Only when her sister commits her to a hospital psych ward that Bree begins to doubt her own story. In the past, she suffered from a false pregnancy. Is this an imagined recurrence? She must fight to find the truth of what has happened to her-or admit that is all in her own mind.

Stolen Truth is an irresistible psychological thriller that fans of Gone Girl and Girl on a Train will fall completely in love with. It is hard enough to pen a thriller that grabs you from the start and compels you to get on the journey with the protagonist. It is much harder when she is an “unreliable narrator,” one whose perceptions you doubt—just as do all the people she’s trying to convince that she’s been married, pregnant, and had a baby who has disappeared along with his father. However, Henya Drescher has managed this and then some.

This is a compelling and suspenseful story that had me on the edge of my seat and mad me question everything and everyone and the ending was totally believable and mind-blowing. I cannot recommend this book enough I will definitely be reading it again and looking for more work from this author. 5 stars.

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