Son of the Storm Review

I was provided Son of the Storm by Suyi Davies Okungbowa as an ARC through NetGalley in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own and thanks is extended to the author, publishers and NetGalley for allowing me to do so.

In the ancient city of Bassa, Danso is a clever scholar on the cusp of achieving greatness—only he doesn’t want it. Instead, he prefers to chase forbidden stories about what lies outside the city walls. The Bassai elite claim there is nothing of interest. The city’s immigrants are sworn to secrecy.

But when Danso stumbles across a warrior wielding magic that shouldn’t exist, he’s put on a collision course with Bassa’s darkest secrets. Drawn into the city’s hidden history, he sets out on a journey beyond its borders. And the chaos left in the wake of his discovery threatens to destroy the empire.

First off, I want to give props to whoever designed the cover for this book – I mean dammnnnnn- it is simply stunning.

The Son of the Storm is an intensely compelling fantasy tale with incredible world building and a wonderfully diverse character base all living out an extremely addictive narrative. I simply couldn’t put this book down and practically devoured it in one sitting.

The author delivered such an engaging and vibrant piece of storytelling that infused the cultural, social and political background of the world perfectly and I totally enjoyed being along for the ride in this incredible good vs evil tale.

I was so disappointed when this book ended as I could have kept on reading and reading. I look forward to instalment number two. A totally deserved 5 star read.

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